The most common procedure performed in this category is the removal of wisdom teeth (the molars that are furthest back on both the upper and lower jaw). Wisdom teeth do not normally erupt until an individual is in the late teens or early 20's. Some time their appearance is delayed even later in life. Some time these molars do not erupt, or break through the gum. Often, they grow sideways. A common problem is impacted wisdom teeth. In this case, the tooth remains trapped beneath the gum line.
Removal of these teeth is necessary for a number of reasons. The most common reason is that they can become painful and sometimes infected. When this happens, an oral surgeon places the patient under anesthesia and then surgically removes the tooth or teeth.
Often, dentists will recommend the removal of the wisdom teeth before they become painful. This is normally based upon review of x-rays that show the misplacement of the wisdom teeth.
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